The Un Deux Trois are back. Look in your December 2012 issue of the Reedwooder for their write up.
Click here to see The Un Deux Trios website. Don’t miss this group and let your friends know!
The Un Deux Trois
The Presidents Message
Dear Friends,
Well, the big concert event of the year is over and the wonderful musicians who performed for us have returned to Germany. Those of you who were fortunate enough to attend this event know that it was an unqualified success. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Manfred, Gretel, Renate, Rosemarie and all of the other members of Petaluma Lodge # 26 who worked so hard to make this event such a success. As I have said before, we are fortunate to be associated with this fine group of people.
The next big event for us is our annual Christmas Dinner Dance which will take place on December 7 at Hermann Sons Hall. Steve and Donald and their crew get the evening off this year to enjoy the dinner without doing all the work to cook it. This year the dinner is being catered by Lombardi Catering so please get your reservations and checks in early. There will be no dinner tickets sold at the door. Deadline for purchasing tickets is November 23rd.
At a cost of $20 per person for members this is a rare bargain evening. The cost covers dinner with fine wine, entertainment during the no host bar cocktail hour and dancing to the music of The Steve Balich Band after dinner. Members of the Petaluma Lodge # 26 are invited to attend at the member price of $20 also. We hope to see many of them join us for a great evening of eating, drinking and dancing. If you happen to know a Lodge member let them know that they are invited as most of them do not receive the Reedwooder.
Please use the reservation form elsewhere in this issue to make your reservations. Invite your friends and family to join us also. Even at the $25 non-member price this is a real bargain. I hope to see a good turnout for this event as everyone works hard to make it happen.
Get well soon wishes are going out to our scholarship chairman and board member Joe Chiesa, who has recently been hospitalized with pneumonia. I spoke with Joe and Donna yesterday and he is now at home recuperating. Have a speedy recovery Joe.
Looking forward to seeing all of you at the next meeting and then at the Christmas Dinner Dance.
Tony Mustaro
Accordion Club of the Redwoods
Entertainment November 2013

Frank Divita
Frank started out our evening with ‘As Time Goes By” ‘Ti Ramentai (Remember you Marah)’, and from the web, ‘Aristide’, and ending with ‘Cesarina Mazurka’.
Great Job Frank!

Arthur Seebach
Arthur’s play list was a Grecian tune, followed by “The Sailor’s Wife”, and ending with “Ships are Sailing”. Arthur is self taught, and has been playing for two years.
Wow, great job!

George Johnstone
George entertained us with “Imaination”, ‘Bicycles of Ver” “I will Wait for You’, Under Paris Skyes”, Under the Bridges of Paris”, and “Embrace Me”.
Also, Welcome Back George! George was a charter member, joining the ACR in 1996. Geroge has recently played for us at our meetings, which we thoroughly enjoyed. We’re glad to have him back with us and looking forward to his artistic performances. George is also self taught!

Kris Nelson and Tony Mustaro
Kris and Tony teamed up to delight us. Tony started oput with “Iulopi Iulupi”. Kris joined in for the second with the song “Stardust”. Tony finished of his play list with “La Spagnopta”, “ La Paloma”, “Mia Bella Napoli”, “O’ Marie”, and finished with “Non Dimenticar”.
Great Job you two!

Xavier de la Prade
At the request of our Editor here is a summary of the songs I played at the ACR in October. The first was “Etoile des Neiges”. This song was extremely popular in France in the 1950s. It is about a young man forced to leave the high Alps to work in the city leaving his sweetie alone in the mountains. If you have a French gig, play this song. It is the same melody as “Forever, and Ever” and they love it. In French the lyrics are so much more meaningful.
The second song was “Les Fiancés d’Auvergne”. Auvergne is their French Appalachia. Here again a young man leaves his region to earn money leaving his heart behind. This song was composed by André Verchurin who recently died at the age of 90. André was one of France’s best accordionist. He was a member of the French Resistance. Captured by the Nazis he was never sent to the gas chambers once the Nazis heard him play, the accordion spared his life.
My third song was for my friend Carola, “Otche Tchornia”, a well known Russian Folk Song that I had learned to play in the seventh grade. I am glad Carola got me to play this great song again. Thank you Xavier

A few of our Jammers
News, November 2013
ACR Band Update
The ACR Band will have its next meeting on November 18th, 6:30 before the ACR general meeting. All levels of players are welcome. It helps if you can read sheet music. Bring an accordion and a good measure of enthusiasm. If you would like to play in the band, please contact Steve Balich at 707-874-3494.
2013 Christmas Dinner Dance
The ACR Christmas Dinner Dance is set for Saturday, December 7st, 2012 this year. Let’s gather with family and friends and have a festive holiday party. Food, music, dancing and good fun with our good friends. To see details click form below.
2013 Christmas Menu
To see details click form below.