Presidents Message
Dear Friends,
I want to get this month’s bulletin out in time to inform everyone of the pasta feed at this month’s meeting, so this will be a rather short message. I would like to thank all of you who turned out to support our annual Spring Fling. It was a very good event with much better attendance than we’ve had for for past few dinner dances we’ve sponsored. Please think about who you can encourage to attend our annual Christmas dinner dance to make our next event even bigger.
Our thanks to the members of Hermann Sons Lodge who turned out to support the event and to Lynne Ewing and Elaine Cooperstein, both officers of the San Francisco Accordion Club for their attendance. We hope to see more members of the Hermann Sons Lodge at our monthly meetings to enjoy some music and have a snack with us. We are also planning cooperative activities between the San Francisco club and ACR. A very big thank you to the volunteers who worked so hard on this event. Jane and Frank Tripi, Carola and Art Clark, Annette Cassabonne, Marilyn Sylvestri, Jan Terribilini, Diana and Ivano Santi, Phil and Cheri Marcucci, Xavier de la Prade, Kris Nelson, Olga Kinder, Elmo Fama, Denise French and The Steve Balich Band.
I would also like to let everyone know that at our regular dinner dances the first table on the left as you face the stage is always reserved for the band and the kitchen staff. This year we had an incident where Frank and Jane were told that they could not sit at that table because seats were being saved for friends yet to arrive. Please be aware of for whom this table is set aside and be respectful of the people who work to make the event a success.
A special thank you to Nancy Pordon for stepping in and helping with all of the work that John has usually done in the past.
This month we a having a pasta feed. So I hope to see a large turnout for the meeting. We also have some great entertainment lined up for the April meeting. So turn out , have a good meal and take part in our annual election of officers and board members.
We have some new names appearing on the ballot this year, which you will discover elsewhere in this Reedwooder. Our sincere thanks to retiring officers and board members for their many years of devoted service. These folks have kept the club alive. See you at the April meeting.
Tony Mustaro
Accordion Club of the Redwoods
Club Entertainment
Click slide show for pictures of Spring Fling