Presidents Message
Dear Friends,
I hope that everyone had a great holiday season and that you are all ready to start another year which will go by all too fast. As those of you who attended know, our Christmas Dinner Dance was a great success with good food, good wine, and good music. Thanks to all who contributed to its success, and special thanks to Steve Balich Jr. and Cheri and Phil Marcucci.
We have some exciting events coming up during the winter season this year. On Friday February 12 we are sponsoring and intimate concert featuring Tatiana Semichastnaya, a world class musician who studied in Russia and who is currently working in Las Vegas, along with Steve Albini an international musician and singer. This event will be open to the public and there is a cover charge of $10 per person. This will be an exciting evening for all who attend and seating and ticket sales will be limited so members may purchase advance tickets at our January meeting. See any one of your officers to do this. Please see the announcement for this event elsewhere in this issue. Also be aware that this event will NOT replace our monthly meeting which will take place on Monday February 15.
Our annual Spring Fling Dinner Dance which usually takes place in March will occur on Saturday April 16 this year. This will accommodate those of you who wanted this social event to take place after the Lenten Season. Please get you reservations in early this year to avoid a price increase which will go into effect after the cutoff date listed in the reservation form seen in this issue. We are hoping for a very good turnout this year as the fixed expenses attached to sponsoring this event are considerable and we are doing our best to hold the line on the cost of tickets. Remember that the more attendees we have at these events the more we are able to offset these fixed costs. Encourage your friends and families to attend. It’s always a great bargain.
Yearly dues are coming around again and I want to encourage you to get your renewals in early or at least on time. This saves the club money by not making it necessary to mail out reminders and it saves a lot of time and work for our treasurer, Diana Santi, who like all of your board members and officers and other volunteers, donates a great deal of her time to the club. Please be considerate of those whose efforts keep the club going.
Remember that elections are coming up in April, so if you are interested in standing for election contact me or any other board member.
That’s all for now. Hope to see many of you at the February 12 concert, and at the January 18th monthly meeting.
Tony Mustaro
Accordion Club of the Redwoods

Steve Albini and Steve Balich Jr
Steve Balich Jr.
Steve started his playlist with “Magic is the Moonlight,” “Upali Upala,” “Have I Told You Lately that I Love You.” “Tutti mi chiamano bionda,” Quel mazzolin di fiore.” He was then joined in a jam by Steve Albini to play “Tuti mi chiamano bionda,” “Tic Toc Polka,” then somewhere along the line Tony and Carlo brought their voices into the mix with “Mandolin di Fiore,” “Oh Marie,” “La Paloma,” then wraped it up with “O’detto Al Sole,”and “Gli occhi neri.”
Steve Albini
Steve began with Irvin Berlin renditions of “Blue Skies,” “The Way You Look Tonight.” Steve and Carlo then did a duet of “Autumn Leaves.” Then Tony and Carlo joined in for the “Theme from the God Father,” and ‘Fly Me to The Moon.”

Carlo Solivan and Tony Mustraro
Carlo Solivan and Tony Mustaro
Carlo and Tony wrapped up the night with “Cantate Con Me,” “Dicitencello Vuje,” “Evviva la torre di Pisa,” “La Piccinina,” “Luna rossa” and “Mattinata Fiorentina.” . For those of you that could not make it, you missed a magical night.
Christmas Dinner Dance