Presidents Message
Dear Friends,
We are beginning a new year at ACR and I hope that all are happy and well. Enjoy the photos of our 2016 Holiday dinner dance which was a big success.
There are a few items that I need to inform you of in this message: Remember that yearly dues remittance is coming up in April along with election of club leaders, and secondly, our annual Spring Fling dinner dance will be held on March 25, 2017. Lombardi Catering will be cooking a great meal for us again. Please make your reservations early and please give me any feedback you have regarding the dinner menu. I will contact Phil and Cheri Marcucci regarding their terrific wines for our new round tables.
We have a lot of music planned for our February 20 meeting. Marjorie had three of her accordion students playing for us this month.
Art Clark has informed me that Patti Perez of Showcase plans on joining us at this meeting.
Steve Balich Senior and Junior are also planning to attend and we may be able to press one or both of them into service.
I know that Steve Albini has just purchased a brand new all blonde wood Ottavianelli Super Jazz accordion which has just been delivered to him this week and he has been playing it non-stop since Wednesday. Maybe he will come and give us a demo as well.
I would like to welcome our newest member, Felicia McFall, to our club. Felicia, who entertained us last year, is a serious music student whom I met at SRJC. She is concert mistress of the college orchestra being an accomplished violinist as well as accordionist. We are looking forward to seeing her and maybe even one or two of her friends at the meeting.
Despite the many jokes we hear about accordions, there are definitely a lot of people who want one. A recent news article reports that a family run accordion shop in Berkshire, England suffered two burglaries, one last August and one this month, during which a total of about $190,000.00 worth of accordions were stolen and presumably shipped to continental Europe for resale.
Finally we send our condolences to the friends and family of Joe Greco. Please take a moment to remember Joe, a true accordion enthusiast, who passed last year.
I look forward to seeing you at this month’s meeting
Tony Mustaro