It’s that time again to renewal your ACR membership. Click the document above to download the renewal form. Click here to download PDF renewal form.
It’s that time again to renewal your ACR membership. Click the document above to download the renewal form. Click here to download PDF renewal form.
Dear Friends,
Spring is just around the corner and you all know what that means – the ACR annual Spring Fling Dinner Dance. As usual we have a great evening of eating, drinking and dancing lined up. So if you haven’t already made your reservations please do so as soon as possible. This helps greatly in enabling us to purchase the necessary amount of food and drink for the occasion.
We’ll have some accordion music going almost all evening. Some of the members will play during the pre-dinner no host bar period and, of course, dancers will be welcome at that time. During the dinner service you may just want to chat with your friends and neighbors and then after dinner we will have dancing to the music of the Steve Balich Band. If you get the opportunity try to give a big thank you to these fine professional musicians who give so generously of their time and talents to all of our dance functions.
I remind you again to invite your friends and relatives to attend our Spring Fling this year. It’s a great introduction to our club and, who knows, they may even decide to become members and you might be able to car pool to the meetings together.
As we are talking about annual club activities it’s also that time of year again when our annual club registration renewal is due. Please make it easier on our Treasurer, John Pordon, and get your renewal forms and dues to him in a timely manner. It will save him a great deal of time and work and save the club the unnecessary expense of mailing out reminder notices. Membership dues are still a great bargain at the usual prices.
On a joyful personal note, I would like to take this opportunity to wish my mother, Edith Mustaro, a very happy and prosperous year on the occasion of her 93rd birthday which was on March 1st. I love you Mom. (I’m still trying to get her to make the trip out here from New Jersey so that I can bring her to one of our meetings.)
APRIL 21, 1936 to FEBRUARY 28, 2013
On a very sad personal note for me I will also take this opportunity to announce the passing of my good friend and one of the best men that I have had the pleasure to know- Pete Riedell. Pete was a member of our club and a great aficionado of the accordion. He was a talented craftsman and skilled carpenter, tile setter, plumber, general repairman and if you could break it, Pete could fix it. He was never too busy to help a friend and Pete had a lot of friends. His warmth, good humor and generosity will be sorely missed. He has gone to join his beloved wife, Aileen. Condolences to his children – Alan, Pam, and Susan and their families.
Services for Pete will be held on Saturday March 9, 2013 at 2 PM in the Petaluma Valley Baptist Church 580 Sonoma Mountain Parkway Petaluma, California.
Tony Mustaro
Accordion Club of the Redwoods
Anthony Berger
Anthony started out our entertainment with The Song from Moulin Rouge, La Vie En Rose, and finished with Bonjour Paris.
Wow, Anthony, you never fail to amaze us. As always we look forward to seeing and hearing you.
Elmo Fama
Elmo, always ready and able. Elmo’s selections of Sleepy Time Gal, Love me with All Your Heart and My Blue Heaven, was a hit, always a pleasure to hear from you!
Tony Mustaro
Our honorable President entertained us with Torna a Surriento, Tango dolle Rose, Spanish Eyes, and Stardust. As usual he played with great passion and transports you to the land of its origin.
Philip Parsons
Philip “Fingers” Parsons, a scholorship student of long ago, showed that he has not lost his touch. He entertained us with Accordiana Polka, Autumn Breeze, Sparkling, Rosalie Polka, and wrapped it up with Tango of Roses with Bart.
Bart Beninco
To wrap us up, Bart almost made us swoon. His program was Arriverdci Roma, Tonight from West Side Story, a French Song, A Media Luz, and the Beer Barrel Polka. He then challenged the audience to ‘Name that Tune’. It started with “Swinging Shepard Blues’, and no one got that, then ‘Are you Lonesome Tonight’, Art Clark got that, and ended with ‘Margie’. We all seemed to know the melodie and some of the words, but not the name.
Bart and Philip
Bart and Philip finished the evening off with Tango of the Roses.
What a night, for those who could not make it, you missed some great music!
Accordion Babes
For those of you who bought the Accordion Babes Calendars will be pleased to know that Renee de la Prade has organized these adorable girls into a very unique band, Whiskey & Women, and are now on tour. To get more info on Renee, copy this link into your browser,
Bart Beninco Info
Also, copy the following you tube link for more Bart info
Frank Muscat
Frank had a fall recently, lets all wish him a speedy recovery.
In Honored memory of
Mark Edward Church
March 3rd 1989 to February 12 2013
Mark was a scholarship student from a long time ago, like his younger brother.
ACR Band Update
The Spring Fling is March 23rd so, the ACR Band will have its NEXT MEETING ON APRIL 15th, 6:30 before the ACR general meeting. All levels of players are welcome. It helps if you can read sheet music. Bring an accordion and a good measure of enthusiasm. If you would like to play in the band, please contact Steve Balich at 707-874-3494.
Play for the ACR, Get in Free.
The ACR board has voted to admit all performers into the monthly meetings for free. As long as the musicians sign up and perform a minimum of three songs, they will admitted without the normal donation at the door.
Letters to the Editor
Depending on a space available, we gladly accept articles to be published. Send these articles via snail mail or email.
Saturday, December 1st 2012
Hermann Sons Hall. 860 Western Ave. Petaluma, CA.
6:00pm Cocktail Hour (No host bar.)
7:30pm Dinner Served.
8:30pm Dance to Steve Balich Polka Band.
Dinner will include: Baked Ham, Salad, Risotto, Vegetables,Wine, Dessert, Coffee.
ACR Members & Guests:
Please help the party committee and send this form in as soon as
possible. We need to know how many people will be attending
the party, so that we may plan the catering accordingly.
Your tickets will be available at the hall on the day of the event.
Please be sure to pick them up at the hall entrance,
you will not be served dinner without a ticket.
Tickets will be by reservation only. No ticket will be sold at the door.
Take Hwy 101 to Petaluma.
TakeWashington St. Exit (headWest) to Petaluma Blvd.
Left on Petaluma Blvd. down one block toWestern.
Right onWestern.
Aprox.1.5 miles to 860Western (cross street Webster).
Make check out to Accordion Club of the Redwoods.
Mail check to: ACR. 349 Francisco Drive. Sonoma, CA. 95476
For more info call: John Pordon (707) 935-7334
Saturday March 23rd, 2013
Hermann Sons Hall. 860 Western Ave. Petaluma.
6:00pm – Social Mixer. 7:30pm – Dinnner. 9:00pm – Dancing!!
Take Hwy 101 to Petaluma.
Take Washington St. Exit (head West) to Petaluma Blvd.
Left on Petaluma Blvd. down one block to Western.
Right on Western.
Aprox.1 mile to 860 Western (cross street Webster).
•ACR Members & Guests:
Please help the party committee and send this
form in as soon as possible.(Not Yet)We need to know howmany people will be attending the party, so that we may plan the catering accordingly.
•Your tickets will be available at the hall on the
day of the event. Please be sure to pick them up
at the hall entrance, you will not be served
dinner without a ticket.
Seating Limited to 175.
The ACR Band will have its next meeting on April 15 , 6:30 PM before the ACR general meeting at 7:30 PM. All levels of players are welcome. It helps if you can read sheet music. Bring an accordion and a good measure of enthusiasm. If you would like to play in the band, please contact Xavier de la Prade at
707-769-9880 or at
Our meetings will be every other month starting in August, and the same for the newsletter.
Bart Beninco (707) 769-8744
Lou Jacklich (510) 317-9510
Marjorie Konrad (707) 539-5308
Joan Traverso (707) 255-5821
Solo Accordion/Vocals or Small Combo
Most Tuesdays Rustic Restaurant Coppola Winery
Current: Jan 6 and January 13, 2015
First 3 Sundays of the month San Rafael Joe’s
Info: Steve Albini (707) 484-3753
Please call Steve Balich at (707) 874-1684 for info about events
Info: Joe Domitrowich (408) 255-1259
Accordion solist or small combo.
Occasional Tuesdays Rustic Restaurant Coppola Winery
Current: Jan 20 and Jan 27, 2015
Info: Tony (707) 318-0474
Info: Bart (707) 769-8744
ACR Annual Membership Fee:
Individual Member: $20.00
Member and Spouse: $30.00
Make check payable to ACR and sent to Diana Santi.
3 Sandalwood Colurt, San Rafael Ca., 94903.
ACR Meetings.
ACR General Meetings are held on the third Monday of every month (except December, March and July when we hold special events) at Hermann Sons Hall 860 Western. Petaluma, CA. The business presentation starts at 7:30pm. Music program starts at 8:00pm.
Board Meetings.
ACR Board meetings are held the first Monday of the month in the same location at 7:30pm
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Copyright © 2025 · Accordion Club of the Redwoods