The Presidents Message
Dear Friends
I would like to start out this month’s message with some well-deserved thank yous to the members who supported out booth at the Rootstock Italian Festival in Santa Rosa last month. They are (in alphabetical order) Ann Albertoni, George Bachich, Frank Divita, Elmo Fama, Kris Nelson and Carlo Solivan. Thanks to these folks generously donating their time and talent our club made a very good impression on the eight hundred or so people who attended the first occurrence of this annual event. I was hoping for a better turnout from the club’s general membership, but maybe we can remedy that next year.
Those of you who attended our October meeting and Gumbo feed had a very good meal and some very good entertainment as well. I would like to thank Annette, Jane, and Sterling for their hard work in serving the meal and cleaning up after the meal. Kris, our chef, also worked as part of the clean-up crew. Our entertainers last month were Joe Chiesa, Frank Divita, Guy Richards, and Steve Balich (Jr.) All of the comments that I heard about the meeting were positive and I hope that you will let all of the volunteers at the festival and the gumbo feed know that you appreciate their efforts on behalf of our club. With entertainment like this I can’t understand why our meetings aren’t always packed to capacity.
This month’s meeting will continue with more great entertainers. For our November meeting the featured performers will be Steve Albini on accordion, Jim Lehman on drums and Carlo Solivan on vocals, so once again we are in for an evening of fun and great music. You can let these musicians who donate so generously of their time how much you appreciate their efforts by attending the meetings and encouraging your friends, relatives and fellow ACR members to attend the monthly meetings. A good turnout and an appreciative audience is all that they ask in exchange for entertaining us and we certainly owe this to them. If we cannot provide this, I find it very difficult to ask musicians to perform for us.
As you know, next month is our annual Christmas Dinner Dance. There will be great food and wine again this year and great dance music from the Steve Balich Band. Please get your reservations in early. As you know this is now a catered event and as we no longer have the luxury of in house cooking from Donald and Steve we have to give the head count to the caterer ahead of time. Hope to have a good turnout this year and look forward to seeing you and your friends and family there to enjoy this annual holiday event.
In closing I want to send get well and hurry back wishes to Jan Terribilini. Hope to see you at the November meeting Jan.
Tony Mustaro
Accordion Club of the Redwoods
News, November 2014
October meeting and Gumbo feed
The Chef and his crew that made this happen.


Joe Chiesa
Joe was in great form that night. He wowed us with “Quando – Quando,” “My Shawl (a Xavier Cugat theme song),” “New York New York,” “Bella,” “Mia Caninol” and “I Just Called to Say I Love You” Great Job Joe.

Frank Divita

Steve Balich Jr.
Frank played his usual greats. It was a bit hard to keep up with his numbers but here is what I got. “Iupali Iupali,” “The Lady is a Tramp,” “Sentimental Journey,” “Chesarima ( a mazurka),” and “Aristide.” It is always a pleasure to hear Frank.

Guy Richards
Guy is a hard one to follow. He goes rapidly from one song to the next. Here is what I got and I hope I got it straight. “Stars Fell on Alabama,” “Hello Dolly,” “O’ Sole Me,” “When You are Smiling,” “Marina Marina,” “La Cumsasita ( tango),” “Jumba Laya,” “Iupali Iupali,” and so many more. Guy was outstanding as usual.

Steve Balich Jr.
Steve played easy listening and dance music. His playlist was easy to follow. I would sneak up and look at the sheet music for the titles. You probably did not know that I could read sheet music. His list was “The New York Polka,” “Westphalia Waltz (Westphalia is a German state),” “Sioux City Sue,” “I’m Dreaming” “Domani,” “Quando Quando,” “Bachiniari” and “Hermuno Carino.” Great as usual Steve, and the dancers will agree!
Leo’s wife Marcella J. Tastsides, 87 of Vallejo, passed away Sunday, Oct. 19, at the Kaiser Hospital of Vallejo. Marcella was born on Wednesday, Feb. 9, 1927 in Ely Minnesota. Marcella had been a Vallejo Resident since 1951. She is survived by her son, Michael; four grand-children; five great grandchildren; nieces and nephews.