Presidents Message
Dear Friends,
I am writing this message to you from our family home in New Jersey which I helped to build in 1962. Olga and I are here visiting my mom, Edith Mustaro, who turned 95 on March 1, 2015. It was a long drive, just a few miles short of three thousand miles, but we made it in four days and we enjoyed it.
Mom is still living on her own and cooking and cleaning just as she did when I was growing up. The house is immaculately clean inside, but she is upset because she cannot maintain the yard in the condition that she is used to keeping it. We’ve been working on that. She is feeling a bit under the weather these days and I ask that you remember her in your thoughts and prayers.
The major news for the ACR is that this month we will be having our July meeting on Saturday July 18 from noon until around four PM in the usual room at Hermann Sons Hall and we will be serving Italian sausages on French rolls. No meeting on the third Monday this month. The menu is the same as last year. I won’t be there to help with the cooking so the work will fall on the other board members and the usual volunteers. Please try to show them your appreciation by turning out for this meeting and inviting some friends and family members to join you. Of course our friends from the Petaluma Hermann Sons Lodge are invited to join us as well.
It was good to see many of them and many of you turn out for the pasta dinner at our last meeting. It was a very successful event and we hope to have many more like this in the near future. I loved seeing everyone socializing, eating and dancing and just having a good time. This is what our club is all about. If you enjoyed the June meeting and would like to see more meetings like this and are willing to come out and support such meetings, let me or any officer or board member know and we will try to make it happen.
Once again, I want to thank all of the volunteers who worked so hard on our last meeting to make it a success. I look forward to seeing all of you when I return. Have a great July and eat some sausage for me!!
Tony Mustaro
Accordion Club of the Redwoods
Breaking News
Dear Kris,
We are contacting you to request that you pass on the following information to your club members. During our August meeting Paul Pasquale of Accordions International (Salt Lake City) has agreed to make an accordion presentation in the first half. He is a past partner of the Colombo Accordion Company of San Francisco. He is the creator of today’s Concerto Digital/Acoustic Accordion which is the most advanced accordion in the world that I know of. It is used by many professionals and high end players. He also is the owner of the “Colombo” trademarked name and still builds the Colombo accordion. He also builds custom instruments for the world wide community. He also is the producer of the Las Vegas Accordion Convention in Las Vegas, this year labeled as the “Summer Solstice, Celebrate with the Stars.”
Because of this special event I would like to get the word out to everyone at the other Accordion Clubs in case they wish to attend. This will be an unusual opportunity to talk to a player who designs accordions and custom builds them. All of Paul’s electronics and software that he has created is made in the USA.
Our meeting will be on Sunday, Aug 2nd, beginning around 2 pm, at Harry’s Hofbrau in San Jose. If any more information would be useful, just let me know.
Best wishes,
Ken Caple, President SVAS.
On July 8, 2015, family, friends, and community lost an amazing man. After a lengthy illness, Harry Cannata left this world peacefully with his beloved wife, Daphne (Dee) of 49 years by his side. Born November 23, 1925, he leaves an older brother, Steve, of San Francisco.
In December 1943 at the age of 18, he enlisted in the US Army. Harry served overseas in the Infantry during World War II. Seeing action in Europe.
Prior to his retirement, his earlier occupation was that of a machinist and then for 16 years as an engineer for Alcoa Glass Co. at their headquarters in San Francisco.
He was an accomplished guitarist and not only accompanied the Steve Balich Combo and many other combos, he was also the guitarist with the group “The Eurotones” which was comprised by the button box duo of Tom and Kay Newberg.
In March 1996, he along with several others got together and founded the Accordion Club of the Redwoods. He was also elected as President of ACR, a true asset to our club.
May the road rise to meet you‚
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face‚
The rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again may GOD hold you in the palm of HIS hand.
Harry, we will miss you.
Rest in Peace my friend, Rest in Peace
Dee Cannata
2579 Westberry Drive
Santa Rosa Ca 95403
Bulletin Board
Do you enjoy our meetings?
Do you enjoy our musical entertainment and dinners?
How about the camaraderie at the meetings?
Do you wish to continue as a member of the Accordion Club of the Redwoods ? ? ? Have you sent in your renewal payment ? ? ? the yearly dues are $30. for member and spouse, $20. for individual. Our annual membership runs from May 1 thru April 30.
Send your information and check (made payable to A.C.R)
to: Diana Santi,
3 Sandalwood Court
San Rafael, CA 94903.
Hurry, hurry, time is running out ‘til you are no longer a member.
Don’t be shy……
If you have any “news” that you would like share with the membership, send your news items to Art Clark at so that we may publish them in the Reedwooder.
Morbidoni accordion for sale.
Has 5 sets bass reeds, 3 sets treble reeds, LMH configuration, 41 keys, 120 bass, 19 ¼” keyboard, weighs 24 pounds. Good reed response, good sound, smooth shallow keyboard action, tight bellows, good condition. Wax and leathers excellent, no rust or mildew. Black accordion, white straps, white back pad. $800 or best offer. George Bachich put it in good condition for sale. Call George (707) 738-5276.
Please keep in your thoughts and prayers our members who are “under the weather” Harry Canada, Joseph Chiesa, John Pordon and Edith Mustaro mother of our President Tony.
Ellen Karel plays a small but mighty accordion, on loan from Xavier de la
Prade, in the Corte Madera July 4th parade to accompany Health Care for
All-Marin singers in, “This Plan is Your Plan” about single payer universal
health care.
And the Band played on! Wow, what a night. I apologize for not keeping up with the playlist of our players. I was having too much fun, way too much fun. I hope you are not too disappointed. If you were there, I think you can understand my problem. If you were not there, you missed a great night!