Presidents Message
Dear Friends,
Judging from what I saw at the Spring Fling last month, everyone who attended enjoyed the dinner and had a great time dancing. There was lots of good food and drink and lots of good music. Lombardi Catering prepared a great meal for us and the Marcucci Farms wine selection was great as always. Thank you to all of our faithful and reliable volunteers.
That’s the good news. The not-so-good news is that we didn’t make any money from this fund raiser, but, the not-so-bad news is that we didn’t lose any money either; so we held our own this time. Our next dinner dance at Christmas time will hopefully do better in the fund raising department.
As I mentioned in my last message, annual dues were due in April so if you haven’t paid your dues yet they are now officially overdue. Please send your renewal check to Diana at her home address which appears elsewhere in this issue.
We are planning another pasta dinner just before our monthly meeting in June, so please mark your calender to attend. There will be good food and good music and another bargain night out.
We have decided to cancel the July Saturday indoor picnic this year due to lack of attendance at last years event. If anyone has some ideas about events that they would like the club to hold please talk to one of the officers or board members about it. Remember being active is a large part of being healthy both mentally and physically, so try to come up with some club activities in which you would like to participate.
Our editor, Art Clark, had a bit of a health scare this past month but happily he is doing well and getting back to his old self again. Art does a great deal of work to get this newsletter to you so give him a smile and a thanks the next time you see him.
Please get your dues to Diana and do your best to make it to the meetings.
Tony Mustaro
Accordion Club of the Redwoods

Xavier de la Prade
Xavier’s playlist was simple and fun. In the spirit of St. Patrick’s day he handed out sing-along sheets in green that included “When Irish Eyes Are Smiling,” “My Wild Irish Rose,” “The Rose of Tralee,” “Danny Boy,” and finishing up with “Galway Bay.” It was a great way to start the evening! Thank you Xavier!

Ken Kelzer
Ken’s playlist was very good. If you remember last time he played for us, it was his first time, and he was a new member. Well he was a bit shy and his voice was a bit low. I commented about that and he practiced on raising his voice and lowering the music a bit. Ken, it worked great. Ken’s playlist was “Skaters Waltz,” “Ripple.” He played this last time and his voice was so low that I had a hard time understanding what it was about. Well this time I heard it quite well and felt the sorrow behind it. He then finished with a kind of sing-along of “When the Saints go Marching In.”
Great job Ken.

Steve Balich Jr and Sr and Art Wood
What a treat! All three back together again, wow. Their playlist was wonderful, “Basigliera.” “Medley of La Bionda and Il Siro,” “Tic Toc Polka,” “Ho Detto al Sole and Occhi Neri,” “ and “Jenny’s Muzerka.”
Steve Balich Jr Steve Albini and Jim Lehmann
This was a quickie of “Mari.”

Steve Albini Group Steve Albini vocals, Art Wood on horns and Jim Lehmann on drums
Steve Albini Group Steve Albini vocals, Art Wood on horns and Jim Lehmann on drums
Their playlist was outstanding, “Blue Skies,” “Besame Mucho,” “All of Me,” “Girl from Ipanema,” “All or Nothing at All,” and finished up with “That’s All.” Steve and Jim were great as usual. I was truly impressed with Art Wood. I have heard him many times, and he was always good. This time he was featured and man, can he play the horns!
Our April Jammers
Our April Audience
April Spring Fling