Presidents Message
Dear Friends,
Please do your best to attend this month’s regular meeting.
We have a special guest artist, Felicia McFall, who is a music student at Santa Rosa Junior College. Felicia will be performing musical selections from well known television shows of several years ago.
We also will be having a pasta feed this month. Dinner will be serviced starting around 6:30 PM so invite some friends to join you.
We have not had any volunteers to run for office again this year so we need to vote on re-electing the current crop for another year.
There will be discussion regarding changes to the club meeting schedule which the board has tentatively adopted in order to keep the club solvent without raising costs to the membership.
Please remember that annual dues are long past due if you have not yet submitted your payment.
The club will also be selling discounted tickets to the Cotati Accordion Festival again this year.
I hope to see many of you at the meeting this month.
Tony Mustaro
Accordion Club of the Redwoods

Frank Devito
Frank played a lively set. For the first time, I knew the first song, “Upalai Upala,” (usually have to ask for it), “Reginella Campagnola (the Wood Pecker Song),” “The Lady is a Tramp,” and “Aristide.” Great fun and really appreciated!

Ken Kelzer
Ken’s play list was reminiscent of times gone by, “This Old House,” “Rose of Tralee,” and “Va Pensiero” from Nabucco by Verdi.

Elmo Fama
You can always depend on Elmo for a fun and lively playlist, “Sleepy Time Gal,” “Love Me With All Your Heart,” “Mariana,” and “Armore Scusame.”

Sheri Mignano
Sheri’s playlist was lively and in the French venue. She started with “La Goualante de Pauvre Jean” (most Americans know this one as the Poor People of Paris. It’s an old French tune from Piaf repertoire), and “Sharpshooters March” by Pietro Deiro, “Mon Amant de Saint-Jean,” “Czardas” a gypsy piece by Vittorio Monti (from early Disney cartoon days), and finished with “Romagna Mia.”
Our June Jammers
Our June Audience
August Cotati Accordion Festival
The Cotati Accordion Festival is being held on Saturday and Sunday, August 20 and 21.
Steve Balich Jr. plays on Saturday and Sunday, from 1PM to 5PM.
Tickets are now available.
One-Day Tickets are $17 ($19 at the gate)
Two-Day Tickets are $27 ($29 at the gate)
I will have tackets at the next meeting or call me at 707-584-5800. I can mail them or sell them when I see you at the next dances.
Art Clark