Presidents Message
Dear Friends,
Fall is here and we are already planning our Christmas Dinner Dance which will be held at Hermann Sons Hall on December 2, 2017. We will have our usual combination of good food, good wine and good music where friends can get together to usher in the holiday season.
We will send a separate mailer to you which you can return with your reservation requests in the near future. Right now, just mark December 2 on your calendar. Invite your friends and relatives to attend. Music this year will be by Steve Albini and Tatiana and Jim Lehmann.
Our August meeting pasta dinner had a good turnout, good music and a good time was had by all judging by the comments heard during the evening. Steve Albini will be our featured performer for our October meeting so make sure you save the date and turn out this month.
On a more somber note, one of the primary movers and founders of our club and of the Cotati Accordion Festival, my good friend Steve Balich, passed away on October 6th. There will be a very private cremation, with a memorial to be held in January around his birthday. Steve has been a patient and a friend of mine for over forty-five years and I hold him in great esteem as one of the finest and most generous people I have ever known. He has always been willing to give freely of his time, his knowledge and his talent. He has served our club as a founder, president, vice president, board member, band leader, caterer, public relations representative, and liaison to other clubs and to the public and in general. He has been married to his sweetheart, Jenny, for over seventy years and I had the honor of playing for their seventieth anniversary party and seeing Steve and Jenny dance together for the last time in public on that occasion. This club and the Cotati Accordion Festival are only a part of his legacy. He has passed his love of music and the accordion as well as his generosity of spirit on his son Steve junior. I believe that it would be fitting to have a statue of Steve join the statue of Jim Boggio in the Cotati Plaza where the festival is held annually and ask your support in working toward this goal.
Please remember Steve, Jenny and the Balich family in your thoughts and in your prayers.
Tony Mustaro
September MEETING

Frank Divita
Frank played his usual fantastic tunes. This consisted of “Moonlight,” ‘Iupali Iupali,”
“Roll out the Barrel.” Sentimental Journey,” and Mazurka, Great job as usual Frank.

Jane Tripi
Wow, Jane played some great music. I hope I can read my writing. “Sonata Pathetique Allegro Movement,” “Meglio Stasera,” “Unforgettable,” and “Rambling Rose.” We wish that you would play for us for often Jane.

Ed Sciarini from Escalon
Ed stayed over another night after Cotati and stopped by to have some pasta and flay for us. His playlist was “Bella Verzaschini.” “Picola Vagabonda,” “Chicilo,” “ Ticinella” and “La Romanina.” It’s always nice to have a guest artist from a sister club stop by.
Hurry back Ed.

Bart Benico
We have not heard Bart for some time. His playlist was “Tango of the Roses,” “Arrivederci Roma,” and “Tonight Tonight from West Side Story.”
We hope that Bart’s next performance for the club won’t be too far away.

Ed and Steve, Then Ed, Steve and Tony
Wow, the hits just keep coming. If you did not make this event, you truly missed a great time.

Ed, Steve and Tony
We truly have a great President and Cook!
September 2017 Audience